Word of the Year
What's your 2021 WOTY?
Tallgrass does something fun(ny) called Word of the Year (WOTY for short). At the beginning of each year, we encourage folks to prayerfully consider picking a growth word -- something they want to cooperate with God to grow in spiritually over the upcoming year. It could be a character quality, spiritual discipline, or something else.
We've already heard from 36 of you about your 2021 WOTY! Check out the word cloud above for our current 2021 WOTYs list. Larger words were picked by multiple people. Interesting to see themes emerge from our church family. If you don't see your word up there, let us know and we'll get you added.
Grab a WOTY Worksheet to help you decide then share your 2021 WOTY, all online at: tallgrass.church/WOTY