March Gladness (2022)
This series about the surprising correlation between happiness and generosity kicks off March 6, 2022. Join us as we consider the very counter-cultural words of Jesus: "It is more happy to give than to receive." If true, this could change everything. Come and see!
Giving and Receiving Gladness
March 27, 2022
- Speaker:
- Dave Geldart
- Scripture:
- Acts 20:35
Motivation for Generosity
March 20, 2022
- Speaker:
- Ben Deaver
- Scripture:
- 2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Pathway to Generosity
March 13, 2022
- Speaker:
- Josh Siders
- Scripture:
- Matthew 16:21-27
March 6, 2022
- Speaker:
- Josh Siders
- Scripture:
- Matthew 6:19-24