Parents as Faith Teachers
Mother's Day at Tallgrass
Ron Goodman
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
This special Mother's Day Central Gathering includes a brief teaching about the biblical mandate for parents to teach their children about God. Then follows a panel discussion with three Tallgrass moms (Stephanie Chitwood, Amalie Greeve, and Elisha Hillegeist) about their journeys with faith education in the home, including resources they've found helpful. The gathering ends with a Mother's Day slideshow video of Tallgrass moms with their kids.
Watch/Download the Mother's Day Slideshow Video
The Panel's Recommended Resources:
If you haven't already linked your Amazon Smile account to support Tallgrass Church, you can do so here:
- Parenting with Love and Logic by Cline and Fay
- Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood by Fay and Fay
- Parenting by Tripp
- The Whole-Brain Child by Siegel and Bryson
- The Jesus Storybook Bible by Lloyd-Jones
- Jesus Calling Bible Storybook by Young
- The Rhyme Bible Storybook by Sattgast
- It's Not Supposed to Be this Way by Terkeurst
- Woah, Mom's Serious [Audio Devotional] by Arlene Pellicane
- Building Your Self-Image by McDowell
- The Guy's Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in your Pocket by McKee