Pure Desire

Sexual Health and Freedom Ministry

Pure Desire

All of us struggle with some form of sexual brokenness, whether through our thoughts, actions, or the effect of others actions toward us. We believe that God made us inherently sexual beings and thus a core component of Christian discipleship must include healing and freedom in our sexuality.

Pure Desire logo Tallgrass is proud to partner with Pure Desire Ministries, who have been leading the way for many years to help men and women find hope, freedom, and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ. They develop the materials, we lead the groups. Pure Desire groups support men and women in their recovery by providing a safe, confidential place to process their life story: learning how family of origin, traumatic experiences, and wounding messages impact relationships.

If you're struggling with some form of unwanted sexual behavior or with the trauma of betrayal from the sexual issues of a loved one, we'd love to help. If you're interested in joining a group or have questions, men contact: Dave Geldart (Associate Pastor) at davegeldart@tallgrassatthewell.church and women contact Jenn Geldart (Group Leader) at jenn31@gmail.com. All contacts and group rosters will be kept confidential.

Current & Upcoming Groups:

7 Pillars BookSeven Pillars of Freedom for Men
Helps men gain a greater understanding of the addiction process and how to break free from unwanted sexual behaviors, providing the safety, support, and tools needed to establish lifelong healing. Biblically and clinically based. These high commitment small groups typically run for about 10 months and have 4-6 people.

- Starts September 2022
- For more info including how to join, contact Dave Geldart (Group Leader) or Chuck Cuchy (Co-Leader).


Betrayal & Beyond BookBetrayal & Beyond for Women 
For women who have suffered betrayal due to the sexual issues of their partner. Healing comes from understanding the role of trauma, establishing healthy boundaries, exploring the depth of forgiveness, and learning to live in restoration. Designed to reveal the truth and nature of sexual addiction, how women are wounded by their partner's behaviors, and the roadmap to healing. These high commitment small groups typically run for about 8 months and include 4-6 people.

- Starts July 2022
- For more info including how to join, contact Jenn Geldart (Group Leader).


Other Periodic Offerings:

Sexual Integrity 101Sexual Integrity 101
A 8 week video training course for men and women, students, pastors, lay leaders, parents, and more. It’s for anyone who wants to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behaviors and betrayal and help others to do the same. This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual health. 

Conquer SeriesThe Conquer Series
A 10 part cinematic study of Biblical teaching and proven principles to help men conquer porn and walk in freedom from Dr. Ted Roberts, founder of Pure Desire Ministries. This series is for those struggling with unwanted behaviors and those wanting to to get better equipped to help those who do. Men who desire to walk more deeply into their own process of healing after The Conquer Series will jump into a Seven Pillars group.

Find lots more resources, including their excellent Podcast, at PureDesire.org.

Sexual Health and Freedom Ministry

Join Us

Sundays at 10 AM
at The Well | 121 S. 4th Street
or via Facebook Live

Contact Us

(785) 422-6920
PO Box 1795
Manhattan, KS 66505

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