Determined to Believe Brown Bag Lunches

Determined to Believe


Want to chew on some deeper topics and discussions? Join us for lunches on Tuesdays beginning Jan 22, when we'll be reading and discussing John Lennox's "Determined to Believe?" book about the topic of God's sovereignty, freedom, faith, and man's responsibility.

We'll meet at CHBC from 1145a-1:15p. Bring your lunch. Come and go as you're able. We'll talk more details on Jan 22 and begin reading chapters for subsequent meetings. Pickup the book at Amazon. Before you buy it, link your Amazon account to Tallgrass Community Church on AmazonSmile.

Perhaps you're destined to join us?

Contact Ben Deaver at with questions or for more info.

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Sundays at 10 AM
at The Well | 121 S. 4th Street
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(785) 422-6920
PO Box 1795
Manhattan, KS 66505

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