Tallgrass Christmas Party CG

Tallgrass Christmas Party!


Join us this Sunday, Dec 16th, 5pm as we celebrate a special Christmas Party Central Gathering!

Bring enough of your favorite Christmas cookies (ONE kind) to share AND exchange! Also bring a note card detailing the type of cookie and any special details (why it is important to their family, and memories tied to it, etc).

Whatever we don't eat together we'll package up and take home. It's like a Christmas cookie swap where you eat a bunch of the cookies at the event AND when you get home. We'll provide hot chocolate, wassail, and milk. The extra special treat we'll enjoy with one another is Matthias Biebers' famous jalapeño poppers!

We'll have our normally scheduled Central Gathering during this Christmas party where Dave will do an Advent object lesson with the kids, Ben will preach on the beginning of Luke 2, and, of course, we'll sing Christmas songs together as well.

Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate the birth of Jesus with the Tallgrass family! Share the Facebook Event here!

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Sundays at 10 AM
at The Well | 121 S. 4th Street
or via Facebook Live

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(785) 422-6920
PO Box 1795
Manhattan, KS 66505

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