2320 Anderson Ave., Manhattan, KS 66502

Give Thanks Celebration


Join us for a Give Thanks Celebration at our Central Gathering to help us cultivate gratitude together this Thanksgiving! Ben Deaver will preach a little on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 and then we'll have time to give thanks together. Invite neighbors and come ready to give thanks!

Orphan Sunday: Do Justice


This Sunday, November 11th, is national Orphan Sunday. We care deeply for the vulnerable in our midst, including orphans. We're looking forward to talking about God's heart for orphans, widows, and the disadvantaged as we study the broader topic of true justice in the Scriptures, focusing specifically on Micah 6:8.

New Study of Luke Begins


Tallgrass is excited to jump into the Gospel of Luke for our next study on Sunday evenings starting November 25th!  Join us as we look at the life of our unlikely King Jesus and the crazy, amazing, upside-down nature of his Kingdom -- and ours.  We'll discover His great heart that beats with love and care for the poor, the weak, the sick, the downtrodden, and rejected.

Begin reading through Luke on your own now to prepare. If you're able to set aside a couple hours, we strongly encourage you to read it through in one sitting!

MHK Flood Relief Efforts


Our community has been affected by flash flooding this week; many families in the Wildcat Creek area have been displaced and most of their belongings have been lost to water damage. There are, and will continue to be, many opportunities to serve and love the families affected.

What can I do now?

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Sundays at 10 AM
at The Well | 121 S. 4th Street
or via Facebook Live

Contact Us

(785) 422-6920
PO Box 1795
Manhattan, KS 66505

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