The Chopping Block

16: Wesleyan Denomination Chat

A lot has happened since our last Podcast! Tallgrass is now pursuing merging with The Well, a Wesleyan church in Manhattan, KS. So we sat down with Nate Rovenstine, District Superintendent for the Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church and Lead Pastor of Connect Church in Lawrence, along with Brian Smith, Lead Pastor of Westview Community Church in Manhattan, and Josh Siders, Co-Pastor of The Well to talk all about the Wesleyan denomination. Not only did we address 12 common questions, but also got to hear these men's heart for God and the mission of advancing His Kingdom.

15: Stayers & Goers (The Thorpes' Story)

Should I stay or should I go? For some in Manhattan, KS, the answer is to be a Stayer! For others, it's to be a Goer. In this episode of The Chopping Block, we talk about staying, going, the challenges of relationships in a transient city, and the opportunities we have with each to still lean in and impact the world through the Goers. We also get to visit with the Thorpe family and hear the rich story of their short time in MHK, their move to Hawaii, journey with adoptions, and their exciting plans to return and become Stayers!

14: Deep Thoughts (What the Hell?)

Let's think deeply together about important topics! What the Hell? ;) In this episode of The Chopping Block, we talk about our Deep Thoughts discussion lunches. We recently finished up a challenging study on determinism and predestination and we're about to start up a new study on Hell.  We plan to address such questions as, Is Hell real?, Where is it?, What's it like?, How long does it last?, and Who goes there? Hear from Tallgrassian, Matthew Schmitz, about his experience with Deep Thoughts lunches so far. And consider joining us for this next study (begins July 16, 2019)!

11: Getting to 70%

Are you busy? If so, check out this brand new episode of The Chopping Block as we head to Sparrow Coffee to chat about getting down to ~70% scheduled capacity so we can better respond to opportunities for good works as they come up, often unexpectedly. True productivity in the Kingdom of God means intentionally pushing against the culture of busyness by creating some space in our lives so we can actually live and love most efficiently and effectively.

10: The Daniel 9 Prophecy

In our newest episode of The Chopping Block, we dive into the prophecy from Daniel 9 which predicts the exact date the Messiah would enter Jerusalem and be killed -- accurately pinpointing Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection date from hundreds of years beforehand! Skeptics and believers alike will benefit from investigating this, one of the most astounding passages in the entire Bible! Check it out!

8: Tallgrass Staff Meeting

Come to staff meeting with us! In this episode of The Chopping Block you get to join us in the Hillegeists' home with Tallgrass' staff team. We visit especially with Dilan and Elisha about their lives and what God's doing through our youth and children's ministries. Come on over!

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Manhattan, KS 66505

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