Start Strong: The TG@TW Story

Will you help Tallgrass at The Well START STRONG financially together as we head into 2022? You may be wondering, “What is Tallgrass at The Well?” Let me, Ben Deaver, tell you a story...
Tallgrass Church sprouted in April of 2018. Remember that? Two years later a global pandemic presented new challenges for our young church plant. You may know what I’m talking about. We became discouraged and close to giving up on the work. After our elder team had renewed vision for 2021 a few core and beloved families unexpectedly left our church. That hit us hard. The struggle was real, both for Tallgrass Church and me personally.
Then on March 26, 2021, two divine cups of coffee were poured at Public Hall in Aggieville. Pastor Josh Siders of The Well and I had been getting coffee together somewhat frequently throughout the pandemic but at the end of that particular conversation he simply said, “If you’re ever interested in possible collaboration, let me know.”
I couldn’t shake the thought of our two churches collaborating to help one another through difficult times. And things had been very difficult for The Well as well. The next week we picked back up on our conversation and quickly brought in our leadership teams and before we knew it, we planned on doing our worship gatherings together on May 30 and June 6.
Our big question for the summer was, “Are we Better Together?” Long story short, the summer turned into the fall and here we are, merging Tallgrass Church and The Well. We believe Tallgrass and The Well are truly Better Together and that God is up to something in and through us here in Manhattan, KS!
Please help us START STRONG financially together as we head into 2022? We're specifically looking to raise funds to cover a one-time facilities expense of 11,863, as well as funds for updating signage and other branding as we revision and refresh through the spring. We are thrilled to keep both staff teams intact into 2022 but know this will be financially stretching, so funding these facilities expenses will go a long way toward helping us lean into 2022 on good financial footing.
Your end of the year gift will be tax deductible and will go directly toward this fund to help us recoup that $11,863 and move into 2022 with funds for signage as we move through spring revisioning and rebranding for whatever Tallgrass at The Well emerges as.
Give online today at and select the "Building Fund" from the "Apply my Gift To" option. Thank you so much for your partnership as we move into 2022!
Questions, contact Dave Geldart at